Friday, January 29, 2016

my year so far

In my year so far 2016 I have gotten my driving permit. Also I have worked on my dads hopefully my car. The shifter was sticky and my little brother broke the brake in it so know if we even move the shifter it well roll down the drive way into my neighbors drive way.So I need to fix that on the mustang. In school I am starting with better grades but have to get one of them up. I have to keep the grades high. I am going to try to also have better attendants in school. I am missing my grandpa its been 4 years since he passed. He is what made my dad to be what he is and my dad is making me to be good and a hard worker. Its just weird seeing all of my family then you don't see some one of your favorite family members at the family events. Also my mom just lost family members her uncles kids passed away in a fire so this year. I have did some cool things but also its been a bad year for family stuff. I don't really have anything else to say so hopefully I have gotten close enough to the length its supposed to be. If not here is what the mustang looks like but different rims and has chrome and has a 306 not a 302 like others.

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