Friday, January 8, 2016

Music is Life

Music really helped me with a lot of things. Music keeps some people out of trouble. Music is helpful for wedding,dancing and birthday parties. Music helped me focus when i'm doing homework or when i'm doing an essay. Music helps  me warm up in basketball. If you play music and you is good at it you can go for with playing music. I listen to music every game day because it helps me focus on the game. When i clean up my room i play music because i don't want to get bored when i'm cleaning up. Some music makes people come down from being angry. Music inspires people to do things. I like Rap music and Basketball music and when i'm in my feelings i listen to sad music. Music is lifeImage result for music is lifeImage result for music is my escape

1 comment:

  1. Wow---music really is life! You have A TON of examples. I wonder if you do anything without it :)
