Friday, January 29, 2016

 zquil  commercials want you to think that their stuff will help you sleep. They compare the sleep that you will get with zquil is like being away from your bed for week. Their trying to show you how good of sleep you'll get with zquil. It's not really telling you how much it helps you with a cold. It's really  for cold so you can go to sleep and get better rest. The commercial is more on sleep it doesn't even tell you about how it helps you with a cold. Some people may take it wrong and use just to go to sleep I know people that do that too. The commercials are funny but it could be sending people just so people can buy there stuff. That's how commercials suck you in so you will watch and the next time your at the store think about it and buy their stuff. that's my review of there commercial.

The moving "life in beautiful" it went from a love story almost because the man was chasing after love. Then the movie shift to him and his family about about the father raising his son but then they were put into a concentration camp and the father tells his son that it is a game so he won't be afraid and if he wins he gets a tank. Weeks pass and the american's are coming to free them and the father hides his son and tells his wife to jump off the truck then he sacrificed his life so they won't find his son. Next day the american's come and  free's everyone.
This year i feel like i have learned a lot from my classes and about my self  like i doing great because i'm doing what i'm suppose to and found out i kinda like school sometimes because i enjoy some of my classes. I only miss P.E but not the running.
So far 2016 is going good for me, we have moved into a new house and everything is all unpacked, I'm still trying to learn my new neighborhood though, I'm doing real good in all my classes especially Geometry since this is my first semester in it. I know I missed a lot of events while we were moving, but its still a new year so we still have lots of things to attend this year, and I'm looking forward to them too.

Life Is Difficult

This past year been difficult , well at least for me. I have been doing a-lot of moving so Its difficult to catch up with school work. right now I am in a fair position I am catching up on my school work. The beginning first week - third week of  the school year I had missed due to transcript with my previous 3 school, then I had trouble catching back up with all the work I missed. As soon as I started to catch back up we moved schools once again.  Now I am here and settled down hopefully we don't move again. so therefore I prove my point. life has never been so difficult in my life. Now I am good with grades and stuff. This school is alright, but hopefully I don't have to move till the end of the school year.

Urbana High School 2016

What I learned this year in school is not changing who you are. I like who I am some people mistook my intentions. My intentions were to say hello to them. I want people to know I just want to be friends. I have friends that like me for who I am. A friend of mine I used to spend most of my time with at school liked me for being a good friend. My best friend David Prince was that friend he left last year when I was depressed at High School. I spent time with my second best friend Russell Matthews. He left to attend school in Missouri and I was sad a bit. I was depressed but not as much as before. I made new friends who respect me and like me for me. I was thinking 10th grade was going to bad but it wasn't that bad. I want people not misunderstand my intentions. I want them to know that I am a nice guy who cares for people.

my year so far

In my year so far 2016 I have gotten my driving permit. Also I have worked on my dads hopefully my car. The shifter was sticky and my little brother broke the brake in it so know if we even move the shifter it well roll down the drive way into my neighbors drive way.So I need to fix that on the mustang. In school I am starting with better grades but have to get one of them up. I have to keep the grades high. I am going to try to also have better attendants in school. I am missing my grandpa its been 4 years since he passed. He is what made my dad to be what he is and my dad is making me to be good and a hard worker. Its just weird seeing all of my family then you don't see some one of your favorite family members at the family events. Also my mom just lost family members her uncles kids passed away in a fire so this year. I have did some cool things but also its been a bad year for family stuff. I don't really have anything else to say so hopefully I have gotten close enough to the length its supposed to be. If not here is what the mustang looks like but different rims and has chrome and has a 306 not a 302 like others.
I've learned a lot of interesting things over the year. I have learned good things and bad things. A lot of people wanna be successful in sports, also in life period. The main key to that is to put in hard work. I was told that hard work pays off, no ifs and's or but's. If u look at people who have been successful in life , most of them say that they put in work. You do have those people who were just born talented. For example, someone that is D1 not necessarily had to be in the gym all day to be that talented. I hope I get a mindset to wanna put in hard work all the time. But actions speak louder than words always.

life is beautiful

The film was about this men. He met this lady and he was calling her princess. He was a trouble maker. He traded this men hat for his hat, well he stole that men hat. He was a class clown. He put eggs in this dude hat and he put it on his head and the eggs cracked. He saw that princess again and took her from her boyfriend. They got married and had a son. They was in love he helped his wife and son with everything. One day his wife came home, her husband and son was gone on this train. So she went on the train with them. And they went to this camp, So her husband sacrafice his life for his son and wife he kept them safe. THE END
okay so if your gonna be going or coming to the high school don't be too excited because with friends that are just drama its very tiring  so stick with your grades and good friends because trust me you will end up just like me annoyed so enjoy your life now and just go with your flow not anybody else and succeed in what you believe in because today i regret saying skip school it aint nun it actually is it helps you have a great  future and will help u with your goals. high school is a life lesson to get you ready for the real world and if you think you know what the real world is your lien because you dont.
to Nazis us Aryan race is the best and superior and anyone who wasn't part of the Aryan race was less than a person , a animal , thief , the Devil , sneaky and basically that they will brainwash you so you will be hypnotized by them do what they say and be their slave. Hitler on the other hand he went to far  the whole Nazi propaganda just all go to his head and wanted to start to take over the world and have power over anyone so he then just say what he wanted and do what he wanted an got away with it, if you were blonde haired with blue eyes u past his inspection , now say if u had brown or black hair you didn't pass his inspection cause your Aryan and have blonde hair with blue eyes that was his whole ideal for that but for like the Jews and everyone else who weren't Aryan they were looking down upon u were dirt beneath their feet so he basically kill everybody just to have one race than that had to do withe Anti -antisemitism and social Darwinism.

                                                My blog is going to be about the movie we watched in class. So I feel like the movie was a happy movie until like the middle because the dad,son,mother we're all happy and then one day two men came and took the dad and said that they wanted to talk to him.So the talked to him and it was the next day I think they came and took the little boy and the father. The mother seen them on this train and she wanted to go the man told her no but she kept saying put me on that train so he stooped the train and let her on. So when they got to the place the father had to keep telling the little boy things to keep him happy. So later in the movie the dad got killed and they let the mother and the son go

Friday, January 22, 2016

I got peoples tone wrong too many times to remember. I sometimes believe I know peoples tone but I don't. I got my brothers tone wrong thinking he was happy. My dad was mad and i did't know by guessing his tone. My was tired I got her tone wrong many times. I guess peoples tones I am wrong and i get embarrassed. I got better at judging people moods by listening to their tones. I can tell when someones mad by tone. I got yelled at when i misinterpreted dads tone wrong. Sense I,m autistic I lack empathy for others.
she danced like the wind

davianna pink shirt remind me of a pink rose in the summer 

the trees whistled in the wind


Tone help you know what someone is talking about. If we didn't have tone it would be hard to tell what someone is saying. Without tone you wouldn't know how someone's feeling. Tone tells you how to response back to someone. With tone you could be saying  the same thing with different tone and get six different responses.
             figurative language also helps with tone. figurative language let you understand things better. I like to use it because it helps  me compare things. Tone and figurative language is used all the time. that's how tone lets us understand things.


I always get people tones wrong. It usually always happen when I am texting. I am glad for emoji's but without them I would probably be confused  24/7 but one time I got my dad tone wrong. I wrestling with my brother over like $5 and he said "y'all better stop" and as usual I ignored him, then he said " don't make break y'all up or y'all regret it". I wish I would of stop b/c he broke us up and then took my ps4 controller. I was mad so the next day while he was at work I tried to go in the room and find it and little did I know I left my phone in there. When my dad came home he found my phone and called me in his room. He handed me my phone and laughed and told me that my ps4 controllers were locked in his car and I knew I wasn't getting those back till he gave him to me. So I was bored for the next week and a half trying to go through life without those controllers. I ended up getting them but the moral of the story is I aint getting that guys tone wrong.
A time i got someones tone wrong was when someone I don't know comes up to me and say hi I would usually say hi then just leave them but they say hi as in they want to get to know me. Sometimes I don't know that they want to talk to me or if they just saying hi that's why I just leave after i say hi back to them. Or sometimes when someone say they are going to do something like they going to kill me I think if they are really going to do it but they actually mean they are going to get back at me when i made someone mad. It's hard to tell what someone means what they say when they use a tone and you get it wrong.


Unfortunately I always get my coach's tone wrong, so therefore I could have a million examples. One time when we was playing Bloomington at home and our coach called a timeout. When all of us came over to huddle because of the timeout , he was yelling and screaming in my face telling me I need to hustle more defensively and be strong with the ball. When he told me that my self esteem got low and I wasn't feeling it like I was before the timeout. But later on, I noticed that he didn't say it to put me down but to motivate me. So from now on instead of getting a low self of esteem , it pushes me to want to do better to help my team get the win no matter what it takes.  But if it was in my own opinion I would wish for him to talk in a calmer tone. No matter how he is feeling based off the outcome of  the game. It might help me out more if he is calmer for the future. Not only me but my teammates also.


When me and my best friend/sister talk sometimes it seems like she has an attitude. It's the tone in her voice that makes me assume that she has a problem. So sometimes when we argue that the reason and it gets blown way out of proportion. Another misinterpretation is me and my mom. We sometimes think different things. Like if i call her a name and im just playing with her she takes it seriously and same way around. My friends get my tones wrong to. I could say im okay kinda believable but not be okay at all. Theirs so many ways you can get the wrong assumptions on they ways they present their words. Also sometimes before assuming and starting problems you could talk to them about it.


I will never be the best at math!. I will never be good at cleaning up. I hurt my Foot it really really hurt call the ambulance. I am trying score one hundred points in a game. Mcdonalds has the best fries ever. I seen a large monkey in real life. I got tall in 1 hour of sleep. My brother is the best in the world at baseball. My suitcase weigh a ton!. I dont like school its too much work and the food is nasty help me!. THE END

figurtive language

The time I got tone wrong was when I get in trouble like my parents. usually they say my name but this time they just looked at me. I didn't know what it was about but is wasn't even about me it was about my little brother . I should of listen to the voice my mom and dad was using and just not to what they where showing I mixed up body language with the tone that they where giving off so now I know that there voice can be a big part of tone.
In music there is figurative language most songs well be rhyme and imagery. Its nice when a song has rhyme because it has a better flow. But then when you have imagery you get a mental picture of what they where going through are what there talking about. The better the details the better the pictures you get and you get into the song. In the song car radio by twenty one pilots "Sometimes quiet is violent I find it hard to hide it My pride is no longer inside It's on my sleeve My skin will scream reminding me of Who I killed inside my dream" there is rhyme and imagery and when you read that you can think of a picture of what happened. 

always my father, but not my dad made by marissa mcclain

always my father, but not my dad 

I'm sorry you missed out when when I went to school for the first time,
and you didn't have me tell you that you were all mine,

I'm sorry you weren't there to take me to the mall,
and weren't there to tell me to stand tall,
or the one I'd run up to when I had a bad day,

I'm sorry you didn't hear me write this
you would've been so proud,
and you weren't there to lift me up on a cloud,

sorry you weren't there to tell me I shouldn't fear
but then again you should've been there,

I'm sorry you weren't there to teach me to do things
I'm sorry you weren't the one who carried me on your back that was my mamma, at least she was there,

I'm sorry you weren't there to hold me when I cried,
or tell me I did great when I really tried,

I'm sorry you weren't there to teach me how to cook,
or even had the time to read my favorite book,

I'm sorry me as a daughter is what you never had.
you will always be my father but never will be my dad.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


1:  In my world i think a lot of people focus on the wrong things like fighting  over land, oil, area etc...or killing each other  for no reason or  for pointless reasons but we should focus on helping each other like the starving people in africa, give homeless people food clean clothes and a place to call home.  The people of favelas are going through pretty much the same thing but they all have an person who stood up and spoke out and gave out the truth.

2: I think that the police should be careful about who they let in and have mostly only people who had a lot of time in the field and is use to  it and put the ones who killed people for no reason in jail.  Also put camera's on cops as they are on duty. The civilians should do what they cops say as long as they are now abusing their power. The police need to trust in their word like if they don't know something then take them on their word don't push anything.

3:i think that it is ok to a point like knowing how everything is down their they shouldn't be rubbing the faces in it like the clothes they were and the money they got they should go there and help them out  and give them hope and tell them about God and tell them with time things will get better but they have to work together.

                  By. Miles Godfrey
Can police repair their broken relationships with communities. I think that it's more then just the police that have to fix the relationship with communities. The people there have to trust the police first. For that to happen they need to stop doing crimes. Another thing that could help is that in the police training      they should teach them how to control their anger. One thing that's really no help the relationship is the court. The people in the communities want to see those police go to jail that do those bad things to people. That's like half the reason why they he relationship is bad. A big is that police have to stop abusing there status in the communities. By that i mean stop killing and abusing people. Thats's how they can fix their relationship.

World Of Wars

As I mentioned in class my hometown Chicago is sort of like the favelas. Chicago can relate to the favelas in so many ways it is ridiculous. One way Chicago can relate to is the killing. Chicago has a title for its self so many actually. One of those titles is "the murder capital". The favela and Chicago are alike b/c they have things in common. Some of those things are thief's, killers, crooked police, riots, etc. When we read about the favelas and how they are scared of whats next, it reminds me of previous events. One of those events were several nights on holiday weekends. around midnight you notice the fading smell of barbeque which can sometimes be nice, then you also hear occasional gunshots in the background or skidding car tires also 24/7 police or ambulance sirens. There is one thing outsiders will never understand and it is the impact of living under those conditions have on your future state of mind.
I think the way to fix the problems between the police and the community is if the police can stop being so fast to shoot someone all the time. There could be some kind of program that brings the community and the police together to help solve the relationship. There can be someone or a group of people to give a speech about the causes that are taking place after the police has taken someones life away. The fear it strikes into the people to think that if the police are with them or against them. Maybe one day all violence can stop, an just not in he Favelas in the whole wide world as well, the world is not perfect, but the world doesn't have to be a bad place either.
Im comparing and contrasting my world compared to the favella. Unfortunately you do hear about police killing some innocent people now a days. But not as much as the favella police were killing innocent people. I do understand that they were trying to stop drug dealers. But they could have did it a better way. They never really had no type of evidence they were just assuming. Another thing is that there is a lot of drug dealers in this world. But there was not as much as the favella neighborhood, it was totally out of control. The video mentioned how much a drug dealer makes compared to a regular person and the prices were very different.                                                                                                                                              

Compare And Contrast

The Favelas is a very rough place to live. It differs from where im from theres not a whole bunch of fights or bodies just laying in the streets. Honestly i had no idea that the violence could be that bad. After watching the movie i realized that the world has got worse over the years. I couldn't imagine going through all of the losses and struggles that they are facing/faced. They also actually want what all of us want "Peace". They honestly want it more then we do but it would be nice. I thought the school i am going to was bad because we use to have fights, and drugs be sold in the school, and more. Some of the people of favela think that the only thing is to sell drugs to get money or just kill because they fell of the deep end. I just want kids today to appreciate what we have because you could be living under the same circumstances they are. The kids there couldn't really afford a education so kids being selfish and saying i hate school or i don't wanna go its a waste of my time while there are kids out there that cannot get the same advantages as us. I am gonna start appreciating everything because the movie was a big eye opener.


Image result for favelaIn my world its people just like the favelas. Some people sell drugs and a lot of stuff! People around the world have to sell drugs to get money! Favelas people live in bad homes. They don't got any food. Some of them don't got no cloths. Thats sad because they don't get educated. In my world its homeless people and favelas are homeless too! People die over drugs in favelas and in my world! Favelas should get educated and stay off the streets and thats the same for my world too. We need to keep people off the streets and away from drugs!!....

         My blog is about community people helping other people & if someone gets hurt and someone comes along and helps that person. This picture shoes someone helping someone walk em that's part of community
I think that people who visit the favela/slums gives them sort of point of veiw and sort of out look on how they live and what its like being there, living there and basically see how they struggle with the violence and the police brutality that happens on a day to day basis.

Friday, January 8, 2016

                                                                                                                                          Miles Godfrey
                                                                                                                                         January 8 2016


Image result for music has powerI believe that music can influence and inspire people. I think that music had and still have a lot of control over the years, music can change a person by the way they think.which in some ways can be good and also bad, followed with making someone do stuff out of ordinary because if they hear the person that they are listening to that they find as a idol then they would want to be like them. But isn't bad there are some good artist out there like Imagine dragons who leave a message that no matter what you been through or darkness that you have don't there is someone who can love like no other and that he cares so much about you. Or The Script who believe that you can be anything that your heart desires so dont let anyone say you can't because that is so not true. People who makes music talking about doing the right thing, sadly their's not that many artist anymore because of how the world is.

The Impact Of Music

The impact of music today is changing the world dramatically. Not all music is like that, but most music today is not the best. Honestly I still listen to music that is not good for me but I still choose to. In all reality types of music is changing someone's life right now it could make them go of the edge. Lets say like sad songs people usually listen to them when they are "In Their Feelings". Those songs can make a person feel better but it could also go the other way. If music wasn't as sexual, or about fighting I don't even know how some of these artist would keep there jobs. Sometimes the songs they sing could really offensive its just not appropriate especially when little kids listen to it. Also they haven't learned much yet so they are more likely to listen to the songs take some words and act the way they do in the song so music can be very harmful now a days. I'm not going to lie back when music still has been like it is now but to me it got worse.
Music can make people do a lot of things. Like it could change someone's mood. Or maybe help them work out. Music helps me clean up, do school work and etc. Everyone has their own music they like. Also can make you feel sad happy mad. Sometimes music really move people. Music can start movements. Music sometimes push's people to do things. Like to play music before play sports so I can get t'd. That's how music can make people do a lot of things.

Not all hip hop music is bad for young people because not all hip hop music is bad. Some hip hop music talk about different types of things rather its gang related, street violence, while others are more about an individuals life or telling a story. Some hip hop teaches kids to quit the violence for example "Put the Guns Down" by King Louie a Chicago rapper. In this song hes talking about put the guns down, stop the violence in Chicago. King Louie says this about Chicago "the devil is working overtime". His music inspires me and many other young teenagers and kids to stop street violence while other hip hop music is making videos showing drugs, loaded guns, even kids holding a gun and pointing it at the camera. This is a bad influence for kids today. I believe that there is a huge battle between violent and non violent hip hop music going on today in the world, only one can win and only one can change how the world will be in the future.


I don't really listen to music that often unless my friend ask me to listen to it. Then I would but like other times. I listen to mostly country music and that basically all. I listen to heavy metal sometimes. some people don't even like to hear country they they usually are the people that listen to rap are like punk rock bands. witch is okay everyone have different taste in music. theirs so many types of music like in class there is a video about Afro ragga and there music brought there community closer and stopped all are almost all violence.The video was really cool like we could all just listen to music then we might not have all the bad things happen like we need to get people together and make stuff better and I think music can help everyone after watching it.


          If I had a dollar for every time I went to music to solve my problems I wouldn't have financial issues. If I had a dollar for every time someone else went to music for their problems I would be rich. I think music is able to help anyone with their problems. There is a song for every problem on earth. What I mean is everyone has a time were they're  sad and have a problem, sometimes they even sing/rap about it. Therefore anyone who has a problem no matter what problem it is they have they're song for that situation. We watched a film about how they used music for their "war" in the favela. well we use music for the "war" with certain emotions. so I stand correct. I would be rich if I had a dollar for every time someone went to music for their problems.


I think that the music that teenager's listen to today is not good music. I say that because most of the music that young African American males listen to songs that rap about killing, murdering, drugs, and sex. Unfortunately most of the things that rappers rap about is the things that I listed above. Some of the rappers that rapped about those things are dead because of the arguments that were going back and forth between other rappers. But , there is some good music out there.

Music is Life

Music really helped me with a lot of things. Music keeps some people out of trouble. Music is helpful for wedding,dancing and birthday parties. Music helped me focus when i'm doing homework or when i'm doing an essay. Music helps  me warm up in basketball. If you play music and you is good at it you can go for with playing music. I listen to music every game day because it helps me focus on the game. When i clean up my room i play music because i don't want to get bored when i'm cleaning up. Some music makes people come down from being angry. Music inspires people to do things. I like Rap music and Basketball music and when i'm in my feelings i listen to sad music. Music is lifeImage result for music is lifeImage result for music is my escape
My Music Blog.......... I like all kinds of music but most of all i like up to date music


music has helped me by putting me in a better mood then was ill be in say if like if i'm not in a good mood and a type of music comes on and its a song i know and that i like  its puts me in a better mood so to me music helps put me in a better mood if i'm not in a good mood , music can be a good thing helps u think , puts u in a good mood if your not in a good mood or helps get in that turn up mood , music is life . i can not live with out music cause i think i would go crazy without listening to music

I think that hip hop is bad for young people these days. Because a lot of hip hop these days talk about a lot of violence in guns in killings. But some hip hop artist don't rap about that some artist rap about good things like being rich in cars not guns. But some artist rap about guns in guns but only do that so they song can be heard because thats what the people wont to here so why not give them what they wont.