Friday, October 16, 2015


Big Foot Mysteries

                                                There was a big rumor about a big sasquatch called "BIG FOOT" . People say he stands 7 foot tall and looks like a monkey almost,except a taller and muscular version one. But, people say its just a man in a monkey suit. If that's the case the individual that decided to do that is very clever because he that's is never going to go away. This event happened in 1967. He was so called last seen in Canada. It all started by a man camping and he saw a huge foot print, then later on that night he saw a huge monkey thing,ever since then there hasn't been anything else to prove that "BIG FOOT" is real. I dont think he is real, if he was real im pretty sure that some other people would have seen him or seen more signs of him.


  1. AHHH!

    Awesome post. You have a lot of information and opinion.

  2. AHHH!

    Awesome post. You have a lot of information and opinion.
