Friday, April 1, 2016

Miles Godfrey

What can you do to be be a hero?

I think that people could start donating their my to organize's programs that help bring awareness to like kids with cancer,homeless people,and just families that are struggling to proved for their family. Someone who spends their whole life trying to fix the worlds problems not like fighting crime like a super hero but like leading others on the right path like being mentors to adult and children that are just out there that feel like the world is against them. Also i think a hero is someone who is a role model like someone that others can look up to and depend on. Someone who is there and also someone who has been through stuff so they can be able to relate to others and their situation. A hero needs to be strong and willing to accept others not to like what they are doing and some who know what they are talking about so they have to be smart and educated

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