I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of ― Joss Whedon
Friday, May 13, 2016
I liked my drivers ed class this year because it gave me a chance to learn more and more about driving and im allowed to get my license whenever im ready now. What i liked least about this year was mid-term final I dont understand why we always have to have a mid-term
I liked the books we read. I didnt like reading though. I liked this class it helped me a lot this year. I made a lot of friends in this class. Every movie we watched wasnt in english so that made me mad. But the movies was fun to watch. You still had to read so either way you still reading. This class helped me with my reading. Sometimes it was fun. I learned a lot from this class. Everyone was friendly too.
school year
This year overall was a pretty cool school year. there were the up and downs but I think the school as a whole was a very good experience for me. There was a lot of times were hard work was applied but the best part of my year was 5th and 7th period it was always fun. I liked how we always read good books and watch videos sometimes. I also liked my study support and all the good job opportunities through the school. there was also the fun drivers ed (behind the wheel) times. One time when me and donavan were driving he let go of the wheel because he was scared. like i said there was the good and bad days but now that we are ending the school year its kinda sad that were all leaving. ALL IN ALL i had a good school year!
what i liked most about this year was is that i'm almost at the end and almost done with high school i guess but i least liked about it was it didn't really feel like a fun year but it was a good year for me.
The important lessons i learned this year was to Give it your all and JUST DO IT also try your best with whatever your doing or going to do.
How i grew as person was matured a little and grew up somewhat also learning Responsibilities helped me grow as a person and helped mw grow as a student.
What i want to improve on next year is make it the best year since its gonna be my Senior year also getting hitting it hard and don't give up.
The important lessons i learned this year was to Give it your all and JUST DO IT also try your best with whatever your doing or going to do.
How i grew as person was matured a little and grew up somewhat also learning Responsibilities helped me grow as a person and helped mw grow as a student.
What i want to improve on next year is make it the best year since its gonna be my Senior year also getting hitting it hard and don't give up.
My best part about this school year is it went by really fast and it was pretty good.
I made some more friends
I made some more friends
how did you grow as a person? a student?
When i was young i always been shy and not talking to people but now i'm more active and talking a little to others but i will grow out of it. I had a rough year kinda because i move then i came back but the people i know here is the same kinda but now they don't say hi so i'm over that. I'm still shy but that doesn't stop me to do my work and getting good grades. I love being at school because it helps me focus and learn more and talking to others because i want to grow older to become a teacher so thats why i love school and coming to school most days. my goals are to become a great student like having friends and getting good grades like now i have B's and A's so thats good. i want to be next year is to make friends and have good grades.
Friday, May 6, 2016
I think that aliens do exist. There is so much space. Our universe is huge so there has to be atleast some life out there. We also don't know what's on Area 51 so there could be aliens there. There is no way we are the only life in the universe because it's so big and huge. With all the space it makes no sense that there would be no life. Aliens have to be out there. There is probably another earth too with people on it. maybe they already found us and thought we were dangerous and they fled. If they did we would never find them because of how big the universe is.
real life
I think the book kite runner is a really interesting book and can teach you a life lesson. Specially for those who believe in God even though it's not a Christian related book it can make you look back on something and question your faith and ask you self "am I doing the right now"?. This book also touches on a lot of thing even though some of it people don't want to talk about it but it's some we people deal with like rape, going though the struggle of being poor, and even just standing up against life and letting everyone know that you will keep on. Because people sometimes just think that people are dealing with kind of stuff well but they don't know how it is when you are at home by yourself and the thoughts just come and attack you but no one understands unless they been though it to but everyone needs someone that they can relate to and show them how to live with joy in their life.
I think the book was one of the best books I ever read. I hope that I can remember this book throughout my life because I want to be able to share it to other people and influence them to read it. There are things in the book that I never even thought of like kite wars, and all that. It's a really good book I can't wait to see the movie I'm sure what I pictured in my mind can be even better when I watch the movie. My favorite character was Hassan because he was the best kite runner in the book and he was also smart and knew a lot of tricks, when he got older and had a son I figured his son would be pretty much just like him and he is. Hassan also was good at slingshots and had perfect aim, his son does too when he hit assef in the eye. I would most definitely read this book over again whenever I am bored because not only is it a good book it also taught me a lot of things about foreigners that some aren't as bad as people make them seem like. Another thing about this book is that there was a time where they were in the 9/11 part of time, and after that happened it talked about how the Americans went to Afghanistan to bomb them and all the cities and towns Amir has been as a child were all bombed. It kinda sends a chill down your spine to think that all the places you were at has been destroyed. Throughout the book I had a thought that they might talk about 9/11 because one this book was in Afghanistan and two how the years done went by and as it got to 2001 I had a feeling that the twin towers would be bought up. Even though it's fiction it still has details in it that happened in real life and that's all the details that makes this book a very interesting book to be read
Your choice
I don't really know. What I am going to write because I am just ready for school to be over. So I guess I can write about my brothers graduation party on Friday 13th and then my birthday the Friday after that on the 20th. Then I think also my cuzins birthday party the 14-15th I don't know when she is going to have it. All I know is school is almost out and I am ready for it to be summer already. And can't wait. Until there is not going to be homework class essay papers there is gonna be no more I like summer because I can drive around and work on cars with my dad and uncle. And help my little brothers build because we always build something over the summer. I don't know if I wrote about this but I built a wooden race car that broke then build a bike with a wagon on the back to pull stuff around. And also during the summer I am trying to get a job to get some money so when I get my dads mustang I can change the paint the wheels and supercharge the engine because a lot of the Jr. And sinours I knew wanna race and I told them that I would when I get a license
The Weekend
This weekend I was really looking forward to going out. My coach said if we did good on our games we wouldn't have practice. The first two games we lost because we were all having problems in our lives. The game Thursday we won and it was a good comeback too so she said we don't have practice I was really excited. I wanted to go to the drive inn with some friends tonight but of course my mom had something to say about it. The movie doesn't start until dark so by the time we left it would be around 12 and since my friend was taking a couple of people she didn't want us to get caught and get in trouble. She's not suppost to have a lot of people in the car, she was also scared we would get caught by the cops about curfew. Honestly I feel like if you are going home it wouldn't really be a big deal plus my friend isn't a bad driver or anything. I really wanted to have fun this weekend. I'm tired of being home all the time. Now I feel like I'm getting super old because all I do is go home get on xbox or watch tv then go to sleep if I'm not out of the house. I hope my mom changes her mind and I get to have a really good time!
Can't wait
I wish I had my own apartment because I would have my own game room and my own fridge no one to eat my food, I would have my own car , I can't wait until I finish school I want to be adult so bad , i have 2 more years until I'm 18 I can't wait to move back to Chicago either I'm not a big fan of Urbana the people are cool but this area does not feel like home , everyone here has known each other since the first grade and can share stories but I feel so much like a outsider the only two places I've lived in my life is Puerto Rico no Chicago and for 4 months Florida but now I live here and I don't really like it , I can't wait till the summer when I go back to Chicago
I am going blog about me & my friends going to the great America mall after my birthday & we where going to shopping & stay in a nice hotel
What music have you been listening to lately?
What music have I been listening to lately is instrumental music. I listen to it because it makes me feel like in another place and my favorite instrumental music is called Blue Rose. I sing it with my own lyrics and my family likes it. I really want to show my voice to everyone because that would mean a lot to me. The other ones I listen to is My Immortal and I listen to the instrumental one and I love that one. I love to sing opera sometimes because my mom love it when I sing like that and I love it too. Instrumental music makes me very happy and I feel like if I sing to others that I won't be so shy anymore.
soooo sometimes I think I see ghost because one time I was in my room cleaning and this white thing was in there because it got really cold in there and I had a heater on but it still got really cold it was really weird and then I lit a candle and it just blew out I didn't even touch it I left the room and when I came back it wasn't lit anymore😱😱😱😱😱😱 so I went outside and I left the door unlocked and when I came back it was locked thank goodness I had my house key but it was just really weird and freaking me out so I actually called one of my family members and they came over and they went through the same thing as me so I prayed and guess what it was gone I wasted 2 hours of my time and I could of just did that 😒😒😒😒 but yea that's one of my experience with this ..... Yes there has been more times I have dealt with this it's scary because you don't know what could happen so u just go with the flow.🤔😏😛
Aliens and ghost
I believe in Aliens,ghosts ,crop circles because for 1 there are proven facts about Aliens and ghost I believe in ghost cause I seen one and I herd a ghost in my house before so that's y I believe in those
Friday, April 29, 2016
I have to go back with my son. I must find him. Its been to long without a family. I must walk a long time but it will be worth it to find Hassan. I have to tell him about everything he has missed.
Sanaubar cheated on Baba with Ali
she left hassan because she didn't want to be the talk of the town so she left
hassan was born and Ali rasied him
to see him
finally at peace with the world and her self
sanaubar journal
amir had just found a journal of hassan mom sanaubar and started to what it said was
it was right after i started working for baba his wife just gave birth and died i felt bad for hem so i helped he raise amir for a little but one night me and baba went to a next level in are friendship. i didnt even know that i was pregant untill hassan was going to be born. i knew it was not ail's because he couldnt have kids he was stril i didnt know what to do so i left and ail and baba was stuck with him and i knew it was for the best because they would take better care of hem then i ever could. amir i could not even belive what amir read out loud because it seemed fake but it was her journal.
it was right after i started working for baba his wife just gave birth and died i felt bad for hem so i helped he raise amir for a little but one night me and baba went to a next level in are friendship. i didnt even know that i was pregant untill hassan was going to be born. i knew it was not ail's because he couldnt have kids he was stril i didnt know what to do so i left and ail and baba was stuck with him and i knew it was for the best because they would take better care of hem then i ever could. amir i could not even belive what amir read out loud because it seemed fake but it was her journal.
the kite runner journel summery
Baba died of cancer and Hassan's mom (Sanaubar) left Hasan because he didnt hurry.after she left what happened was Hassan waited for her also alot has happened to Hassan since his mom left, he was assulted much more. she came back for her son Hassan she took a long journey too look for him. she was supprised how much he has frown up and tat her son has a kid an also she has a grandson.
what happened with baba?
What happened with baba well he was the same baba. He save a woman by almost got shot and Amir got so scared that his dad is going to get shot right in front of his face. When Ail and Hassan went away baba was smoking a lot and he was very sad about it. Years later went by Amir have a wife and he is 28 years old i believe baba was getting sick and coughing a lot. Amir was getting worried about his dad. So baba went to the doctor and found out that he had lung cancer and that made amir very sad. So Soraya and Amir took good care of him making sure that he took his medicine and making sure he ate his food. but one night soraya and amir wanted baba to take his medicine but baba said that he don't have no pain so baba had took his last breath and amir had hug him and cried because baba died.
When I found Hassan's it was a lot of pictures of Hassan and she was saying how much she loved him and missed him there was so many memories of them together
Friday, April 22, 2016
If i was able to put a person on money the $50 i would put nelson Mandela but on the money in Africa (rand). if I was to put someone on a $100 bill i would put martin luther king dr because i felt that he was such a huge movement but hes not the only on which is hard to choose one person.
$1.00~ My brother because he aint nothing
$5.00~ Aj Just cause
$10.00~ Joe hes really cool and nicw
$50.00~ Mrs. T cause shes my favorite
$100~ Mom because she is the best
$5.00~ Aj Just cause
$10.00~ Joe hes really cool and nicw
$50.00~ Mrs. T cause shes my favorite
$100~ Mom because she is the best
If i had the choice to I would put me on the 1 dollar bill. I would put me on the bill because im attractive. I would put Kevin Hart on the 5 dollar . I would put him on the 5 dollar bill because he is the funniest man alive. I would put muhammad ali on the 10 dollar bill. I would put him on the bill because he is the best boxer. I would put Mr.Starch on the 20 dollar bill. I would put him on the 20 dollar bill because he is the best principal. I would put my grandma on the 50 dollar bill. I would put her on their because she is very missed by me. I would put my mom on the 100 bill, i would put her on their because she is my world.
$$$$$$$$$Money faces-$$$$$$$$$$
changing the money
one George Washington i don't know if i would change the one dollar bill.on the five
we have Abraham Lincoln i would never change abe because he never tells a lie.
on the ten we have Alexander Hamilton i have never heard of him so i would change it
to someone everyone knows maybe a movie star are a singer they could put leo on the ten
because he had just won his first reward witch was realy crazy. on the 20 we have
Andrew Jackson and they have already said that there gonning change it so i dont think
they are going to change it again.i am gonna skip the 50's because i don't what to say
but now on the 100 we have Benjamin Franklin i want to keep it Benjamin Franklin
because you can say you have lots of benz for some fun.
we have Abraham Lincoln i would never change abe because he never tells a lie.
on the ten we have Alexander Hamilton i have never heard of him so i would change it
to someone everyone knows maybe a movie star are a singer they could put leo on the ten
because he had just won his first reward witch was realy crazy. on the 20 we have
Andrew Jackson and they have already said that there gonning change it so i dont think
they are going to change it again.i am gonna skip the 50's because i don't what to say
but now on the 100 we have Benjamin Franklin i want to keep it Benjamin Franklin
because you can say you have lots of benz for some fun.
face the bill
If I got to choose tony parker would be on the $20 bill reason why is b/c he is my favorite basketball player of all time. my favorite team is the san antonio spurs and since he is the very good at making threes I envy him. therefore I would love to see his picture on a $20 bill
If i were to put someone on the 20 dollar bill I would put no one on it. There is no point of having someone on money. Money is already evil so why put someone on it? Money should not have a person to symbolize it. It should just be a green piece of paper that says 20 and has all the other stuff it has. Having someone on it might be a recognition to that person but in the end its just a piece of paper. A piece of paper that turns people into monsters. Money controls people so if putting a person on the bill mean that person is trying to control people too?
I would put Martin Luther King Jr on a $100 dollar bill because i learned that he made everyone get along and stop fighting. He died after my birthday. He was a leader in the African-American civil rights movement. i want to put him on there because he is famous and everyone know that he was a sweet and kind man and he cared about the world and he don't want to see African-American as slaves.
Friday, April 8, 2016
My relationship between me and my team is very close. Me and my teammates always hang together outside of school. We talk about a lot of personal things. We don't go back and tell each others buisness. We also get better with eachother. Our goal as a team is to not lost to champaign again. We were hurt evrytime we lost to them. We almost beat central at home but we lost the lead. The crowd got into our heads. So we lost that game because we weren't mentally prepared. I hope later on this year that wont happen. Im not going to lie they have a lot of talent. But one thing we dont have is height, and they do. So we have to work a little harder. Actions speak louder than words and we got some work to put in this summer.
A hero can be described in many ways strong,noble. There not just these there is a lot of and it takes a lot to be a hero. you need to have certain thing in a hero's story. like there return home,Achievement of goal,Crossing the threshold,and more import information. And i am going to make up a story and try to put everything into it. so there was this great knight kinda childish right but the great knight was the only knight in the kingdom. he would travel thought mountains and dark caves go thought the creeper woods. he saved many people in his life from little kids to the kings son. If the king ever needed help the great knight was there. the knight would always come back home to his hut off the eage of the village of Shackleton. now i don't know if this is a good story but i don't know how to make a good story.
He was born the chosen one. Born to wield the strongest sword. He trains his whole life to defeat the evil lord. He goes through the hardest tests just to reach him. He defeats the evil lord. He saves the whole country. He becomes the king. No evil returns to the country.
my relationship with my friends i like to keep it real like if we got problems about something then lets talk about and as long as you got my back then i got your back. But i don't like all this agruing and fighting stuff like there is no point for all of that. I Like having relationship with teachers and coaches cause they can also be people who have your back and can help you with life choices. I have a little sister but shes 3 and i play with her and spend time with but you can't really have a you know a close relationship with her yet but i would like to and help her not to make the mistake i have in my life by leading her on the right path and get her into church and people who can set a good asimple when im not there.
A relationship between me and my bestfriend Lydia. She is in college but she is also a year older than me because she graduated early. me and her are just alike each other. We have a lot of things we are going to do this summer when she comes down here right now she's the only person I can talk to about anything and she can talk to me about anything. We develop a strong bond with each other, help each other out in situations, stand up for each other. We get mad at each other alot but it's really nothing major. She's in college so sometimes she helps me with my work like geometry and help me understand it better and after that we talk for the rest of the day. I think this relationship will last a very long time the way things are going right now.
there was this Super hero named Superman but then he got mixed with chemical Super hero power, it all started when he was on this mission an was fighting this bad guy as he was going after the bad guy, he tripped an fell in this blue chemical all of sudden it like gave him the big power charge and made him 20x stronger and got more powerful it even made him shoot red and blue lazer out of each eye. The new Powerful Superman destroys the bad guy and his bank robbing team, as he got the bad guy and his team he coated them in nasty Blue&Red goo that sticks them together like glue.
I am going to do my blog about a characters relationship. So in Spongebob he had a good relationship with Patrick. They we're bestfriends and they had to help a friend out he was sick and they did stuff for him to make him feel better like letting him stay in there house sleep in there bed feed him cheak on him make sure he was okay
Friday, April 1, 2016
I think what makes a person a hero is doing things that they like or enjoy doing but better. I also think that you should be a good or positive role model. But to be honest this could be a bad thing because if someone likes to do negative things then they are going to look up to people who does bad things or maybe even worst. I think that hero's can be accidental hero's also. What i mean by that is that lets say someone prevent someone from dying or getting hurt they would still be considered a hero still.
what makes a hero? well i think what makes a hero is the way they think and act on things. but you don't always have to be smart to be one. if you know what's right and act on it that could make you a hero.
Miles Godfrey
What can you do to be be a hero?
I think that people could start donating their my to organize's programs that help bring awareness to like kids with cancer,homeless people,and just families that are struggling to proved for their family. Someone who spends their whole life trying to fix the worlds problems not like fighting crime like a super hero but like leading others on the right path like being mentors to adult and children that are just out there that feel like the world is against them. Also i think a hero is someone who is a role model like someone that others can look up to and depend on. Someone who is there and also someone who has been through stuff so they can be able to relate to others and their situation. A hero needs to be strong and willing to accept others not to like what they are doing and some who know what they are talking about so they have to be smart and educated
I think that people could start donating their my to organize's programs that help bring awareness to like kids with cancer,homeless people,and just families that are struggling to proved for their family. Someone who spends their whole life trying to fix the worlds problems not like fighting crime like a super hero but like leading others on the right path like being mentors to adult and children that are just out there that feel like the world is against them. Also i think a hero is someone who is a role model like someone that others can look up to and depend on. Someone who is there and also someone who has been through stuff so they can be able to relate to others and their situation. A hero needs to be strong and willing to accept others not to like what they are doing and some who know what they are talking about so they have to be smart and educated
With In The Life Of A Hero
What makes a hero. The things that makes a hero is important. In order to be a hero you must have courage and be wise. Most hero's are able to lead someone down the right path, make their protege inspired and encouraged. If a hero has the ability to change live's while doing his/her job then they are holding up their title of being a hero. A hero must meet their noble quality's that is set by society. I think that I am a hero b/c I encourage people. I hold up my noble quality's that I am given by friends/family/society. I am a hero b/c I hold up only the good quality's that society (people) like about me. If someone is inspired by me I do my best to keep being their role model and uplift their spirit. I am a hero b/c I learn from my mistakes and help motivate people to do their best not to make the same mistakes I've done. I am a hero b/c I help to develop and support people and their needs or struggles. This is what makes me a hero.
Hero Hero!!!!!
Who do you know that's an ordinary hero?
My mom is an ordinary hero to me. My mom and dad got a divorce and she has been a single parent for a very long time. She has two kids me and my sister. My sister is blind so it took even more out her. My mom is a very independent person. She works really hard so she can keep a roof over out heads clothes on out body and extra stuff. I have always looked up to her. Some people superheros or others but mine will forever be her. Even though sometimes she was lost but she never gave up on us. Me and her get into arguments but what family doesn't.
What Makes you a hero?
Honestly i don't know what makes me a hero theirs not a lot of outgoing things. I've helped friends out of depression, did chores for my mom cause she was sick. I've been teaching my cousin how to play baseball. I mean they're not bad but i just don't have a lot...!
My mom is an ordinary hero to me. My mom and dad got a divorce and she has been a single parent for a very long time. She has two kids me and my sister. My sister is blind so it took even more out her. My mom is a very independent person. She works really hard so she can keep a roof over out heads clothes on out body and extra stuff. I have always looked up to her. Some people superheros or others but mine will forever be her. Even though sometimes she was lost but she never gave up on us. Me and her get into arguments but what family doesn't.
What Makes you a hero?
Honestly i don't know what makes me a hero theirs not a lot of outgoing things. I've helped friends out of depression, did chores for my mom cause she was sick. I've been teaching my cousin how to play baseball. I mean they're not bad but i just don't have a lot...!
Something I would do to be a hero is just start looking out for others, having everyone's back, being there for people when they don't have anyone else to be there. I can be a hero to little kids tell them stories about when I was a kid and how to learn the ways of right and wrong and that growing up in life can be hard sometimes. But if you inspire them enough then it won't be as hard for them. I can be a hero to people older than me, like teach them about today's technology and how to use it. Or helping someone cross a street or holding a door for them. Just something small enough to give respect and to let people know there are still alot of good people in the world.
A hero to me is someone who puts others needs in front of their own. Taking a risk for someone and saving someone. Someone who goes through a challenge to help another person. A hero does whatever they can for another person. Even if they might die they still try to accomplish their goal. Sometimes a hero could be a motivator. Someone who uses their bad past to try to motivate someone to not be like them. Heros could be anyone or anything. As long as what they do is for the good. As long as a hero is doing it for other people they are considered a hero.
Basketball hero
Basketball makes me a hero because I help my basketball team at urbana to beat great teams. I can help urbana go to state in basketball. I love urbana because they made me apart of the urbana family. Urbana high school is my hero because i didnt make the basketball team in champaign. I was finna give up basketball. I
tried hard and became one of the best players at urbana. So i'm a hero because i help my team beat great teams. Kevin Durant is my hero because he makes me want to get better. I think he is the best basketball player ever. I'm just like him I help my team with big shots and everything else. I'm a HERO!!!!!!!
tried hard and became one of the best players at urbana. So i'm a hero because i help my team beat great teams. Kevin Durant is my hero because he makes me want to get better. I think he is the best basketball player ever. I'm just like him I help my team with big shots and everything else. I'm a HERO!!!!!!!
what makes you a hero? what makes you a hero is that doing the right thing and showing integrity also
what can you do to be a hero? doing the right thing when nobody is looking and saving someones life, recycling and giving back to the community.
who do know that's a ordinary hero? teachers and family members, your best friend, could even be your neighbor those 4 ordinary hero's
what can you do to be a hero? doing the right thing when nobody is looking and saving someones life, recycling and giving back to the community.
who do know that's a ordinary hero? teachers and family members, your best friend, could even be your neighbor those 4 ordinary hero's
Friday, March 11, 2016
It started the day i was born
my mom was very torn
I'm glad that the very day
that I was born
Growing up was harder and harder
until i met my bestfriend Christian Carter
I wanted to be like him, he wanted to be like me
Nothing was breaking our friendship, not even our enemies
Alot of good memories, and alot of bad ones
I wish the bad ones could have been the best ones
first time riding a bike, or driving a car
I knew there was much to reach it's just really far
The martyrs was a really different thing to see.I had never seen some be parsed for dyeing. there was little kids who died then they would celebrate like death was a victory and then james died and they martyred hem and he posters was just wired to see like there not movie stars are anything there people who died for the cause. so i don't think that i like when people martyred because your body is raised up then carried to a hole and people you might no be related to sees your body i just dont get how things work there.
Miles post
i feel like movies can change or impact peoples lives. My childhood for the most part i grew up in safe good environments. Around people who are friendly and helpful there was times when things that are bad but the world isn't perfect but they where solved. I feel like movies can change peoples live because it shows them real life thing ands show them ways to get through it by setting an example. Which i think is good because some people are vision leaners and people that are not there is music that can give people courage. I also think that american has something like a martyr because people who takes down big bad guys or saves somebody they either make the news or get into the news paper.
The children in Gaza grow up in a war zone. My life is like heaven compared to theirs. They risk their life every day. We grow up with protection and no warfare. They dont even have police to help them and are constantly in a battle zone. Life is easy compared to what they have to go through. They could die any time but in the US almost all of the children grow up to be adults. We live in a perfect world compared to what they go through. They have fun by throwing rocks at tanks. We have fun by staying inside and playing games about blowing up tanks.
I am going to blog about my weekend. So today I was going to my sister house and we where going to go shopping. We are going to Chicago to find some shoes and other things I don't know what shoes we are going. Also, we are going out to eat before we go we are going out to eat.
this weekend i have work , today i work 5-close,tomorrow i work 5-close,sunday i work 2-7. I am gonna be so tiered from working this weekend but at least sunday i do 2-7 so i don't have to do 5-close but I guess im going to be be making money Tho!
i don't wanna go to work today cause im starting not to like my job and also kinda want find a different job but it whatever its just a paycheck to take and be happy with sometimes i don't wanna work on the weekend to have more stuff to do but oh well
i don't wanna go to work today cause im starting not to like my job and also kinda want find a different job but it whatever its just a paycheck to take and be happy with sometimes i don't wanna work on the weekend to have more stuff to do but oh well
Friday, March 4, 2016
One time i was at football and this one guy that was new was getting talked about and i just put my stuff on and went out side. the next day i seen them taking about so i went over there and told them to chill and put their stuff on so they wasn't late to football. i feel bad if i just sit there and let people get picked on.
No changes to help the problem
There was a lot of times i was a bystander but i couldn't help but not jump in. Sometimes when my cousins were getting beat by there moms, or when there was fights at school i wasn't trying to get hit or in trouble. There were also time people were bystanders to me. When something bad was happening to me. Some people today say they aren't one but everybody is in their everyday life. even firefighters hospital people outside of work and inside they are 100% of people are and if you deny it then i don't know whats wrong with you Lol! Anyways nothing will ever change that people nowadays don't care or listen. Like if you're getting bullied or the little things like rumors and you don,t stop it and you go along with it you are considered one even if you don't agree. I wish something could change it. We all are going to have to live with it no matter how small or big it is it will always be the same.
Bystander happens all the time
Theres really no time when I am a bystander because you can always be a bystander 24/7 for example people are dying everyday and we all just sit back and let it happen. Another thing is people are voting for Donald Trump to be president and there are people sitting by letting it happen when we know the possible effect that will take place if he is elected. America wouldn't be the same anymore. In schools people are being bullied and there are a lot of fights and people sits back and watches them and record them on video to show everyone else. Instead of someone trying to jump in and stop the fight and take the lead as a rescuer instead of a bystander. Someone can easily be killed in a fight no matter how old you are, a broken neck is an example of someone being killed. A time I was a bystander was on my 14th birthday my dad and god mom had to fight this one guy who was drunk, it was all at the party we had and the guy broke my god moms arm and dug his fingers in my dads eyes. Later the police came and got him because my dad was holding him down until they got there. At this time I didn't know if I was suppose to help or just sit by. This was probably one of the biggest moments in my life to think that the day I was born 14 years later my dad would have to fight someone.
The Bystander Effect
One time I walked into my two brothers arguing in the kitchen , Sudden thoughts went thru my mind. I wondered if they were going to physically fight. I knew that my oldest brother was probably going to swing. I never said anything I watched them as if I were a vulture hungry for roadkill. All that went through my mind was to get ready to pull out my phone. They soon settled down and I realized what if I actually did just stand by and record while they fought. I never really cared who got hurt but its just the thought that I could've gotten in trouble for not stepping in. my dad often tell us 4 brothers that "brothers don't fight against each other, they fight with each other. After that I started stepping in and putting my words to action.
miles story
one time i was picking with my brother (before i was going to sleep which was a blankets on the floor with pillows), calling him names and saying he can't whoop me. Then he came out of the back room and threw a blanket over me me and started hitting me and i started screaming help! help! help!. My grandma came out of the kitchen and told us to stop play fighting or we were getting in trouble so my brother gets off me and hits me again and i yell then he slips and falls and he slid into the fan that was on the ground and i started dyeing laughing. Then i laid down and went to sleep.
victim : me
perpetrator: brother
Rescuer: grandma and blanket
the triangle victim and bystander story
The triangle is bystander,perpetrator,victim,rescuer. Everyone have been one of these before but i am going to tell about the time my brother was a victim and i was the bystander. so my little brother is in the 3rd grade and he is really nice to everyone he keeps to himself and well say hello to new people and make new friends. He was hiding something he didn't tell us until my mom got it out of him. that someone was picking on him. well it was a group of other boys one of them used to be his best friend. that became a jerk called him names and when i found out. I was really pissed but i couldn't do anything. because if i would have did anything i might not be here.I care about my brothers and we'll do anything to protect them. I hate hearing about him getting picked on. I was just bystander i couldn't do anything but my mom told the school moved them into a different part of the class and my little brother have not said anything about it so i hope that he is ok.
I was a bystander in lots of situations. One time when i was at victory , 2 of my friends got to fighting. I didn't break it up or attempt to break it up. I thought i was doing the right by letting them get their anger. But i was totally wrong and i regret it. One of them got pushed into a steel pole an bussed his head open. It was a very crazy and shocking situation. His parents had to come get him an i had to wait there for them. So i was the one who had to explain everything. I felt like everything was my fault because it maybe could have been prevented. Even though they decided to let it get to that point. Its just a life learned lesson for the future.
Jimmy Savile the perpetrator, there were 200 witnesses which would be the bystanders of the incident but also the total number of alleged victims were 589 and 450 alleged abuse by Savile, "within the recorded crimes there are 126 indecent acts and 34 rape/penetration offences." so with there was no rescuer there was just bystanders , the BBC wanted to "paint over the situation" covering it up like it never happen.
so my name is Marissa i go by sissa lol so my life is a pretty well life except my parents are divorced oh well i still see my mom but i live with nana life is great for me because i dont need a dad i have other people who love me yes i know it sounds kinda sad i dont want my dad around but i dont even know anything about him yes i have met him and i do miss him but im good. but anyways my mom and me and my grandma always have good times to gather we go shopping out to eat and go on trips its so fun and yea i think it would be nice to have my dad around but he busy raising my half brothers and sisters .......what ever even know i was his first daughter that was brought into this world but i guess it doesn't matter to him but like i said im cool my life going great without him to be honest. he is a bistander because its like he doesn't do anything for me he has never called me on my b day or even said i love u or do u wanna come see me nothing like that so i guess he doesnt care well i dnt either
My blog is going to be about a song. The song is called Love Me and it's by a girl.But basically she was sing about a boy and she was expressing her feelings to him threw the song. Like trying to reach out to him. But I don't think he was getting the message. But she was really saying she wants someone to like her for her. But I guess he doesn't like her for her. This is like a love triangle because one minute he likes her then the next he doesn't
Friday, February 26, 2016
Wiesel picked a better title for the book night is a good title. i think night is a good title because when you think about darkness its always shows a bad image in your head. like darkness seems like there in a bad place and night always reminds me about darkness are crime. because its easier to hide in the night and do what you want but in night wiesel couldn't do what he wanted because he was being told what to do. when you think about like day vs the night day wis better because night your sacred to be out in and its harder to do things.
I think "Night" is the best title for Elie Wiesel's book because it's all about things that has happened at night. For example the cattle cars, horrifying nights when he couldn't sleep, etc. It is also called niht because ever since the holocaust people seen nothing but darkness, fear, afraid and waiting for a spot of light to shine. They are all like little children who is afraid of the night. The Jews are the children and the Germans are the monsters who kills whatever whenever. It's all a nightmare to everyone, just R.I.P. to everyone who lost their life in the holocaust.
why the book night should be called the world remained silent
1 he felt that people should have helped more so to him the world was silent
2 that's how he seen the world in the book
3 he felt how cold the world was when he called out for help
why should it be called night
1it was like their was no one awake to help
2 that was a dark time for him
3 a scary and cold time
the book should be called the world remained silent. in his nobel speech he talks about that it wasn't his main point, but by him saying that you could tell thats what the book was about. one thing that i dont't like about it is that it sound like bad book name.thats why it should be called the world remained silent
1 he felt that people should have helped more so to him the world was silent
2 that's how he seen the world in the book
3 he felt how cold the world was when he called out for help
why should it be called night
1it was like their was no one awake to help
2 that was a dark time for him
3 a scary and cold time
the book should be called the world remained silent. in his nobel speech he talks about that it wasn't his main point, but by him saying that you could tell thats what the book was about. one thing that i dont't like about it is that it sound like bad book name.thats why it should be called the world remained silent
1. I think he would name his book that because the world wasn't trying to stop the nazis from doing anything. While the jews were in the camps they felt like no one was doing anything to try and stop them. They felt like they would never get out of the camps.
2. He would name the book night because the whole time he was in the camp it felt like dark times all the time. It was always dark and twisted in the camps. All day it must have felt like night with ashes in the air.
3. I think The World Remained Silent is a better name because it is a true statement. Other countries tried to stop the nazis but weren't putting in a 100% effort to free the Jews. It also is easier t understand then Night. Since it was night you have to think more about it but i like the other better because its easier.
2. He would name the book night because the whole time he was in the camp it felt like dark times all the time. It was always dark and twisted in the camps. All day it must have felt like night with ashes in the air.
3. I think The World Remained Silent is a better name because it is a true statement. Other countries tried to stop the nazis but weren't putting in a 100% effort to free the Jews. It also is easier t understand then Night. Since it was night you have to think more about it but i like the other better because its easier.
What's in a title
2) I think some of the reasons wiesel names the book Night is because a lot of dark stuff happened in the story. That is was like a nightmare, unreal that humans did to each other. Because it was dark all the time to him and there was nothing light happened like light is a sign of good and dark is bad.
1) I think that wiesel would name the book And the world remained silent because there was no hope for them. Maybe he felt like the american army could have done some that could have stopped a lot of the murders. Maybe that america could have warm them of what was going to happen so it could have been avoided.
3) I like Night better because it kinda explains it just by the name like it would be rare to read a book called night and its a good story all the way through. Also because i think that if the title was different that the story would start off different. Since the book is already named that i don't see no point to change it now.
1) I think that wiesel would name the book And the world remained silent because there was no hope for them. Maybe he felt like the american army could have done some that could have stopped a lot of the murders. Maybe that america could have warm them of what was going to happen so it could have been avoided.
3) I like Night better because it kinda explains it just by the name like it would be rare to read a book called night and its a good story all the way through. Also because i think that if the title was different that the story would start off different. Since the book is already named that i don't see no point to change it now.
A diverse world
The reasons why he might have named his book "the world remained silent" is because one, no one wanted to talk about the holocaust especially if how they were treated put them in a depressing state of mind. my second reason is he felt silence that there was no reason to speak . the third and final reason is that they were basically slaves, there were afraid to say anything and if they did at the time nothing could be done they lived in a world of horror. so I would say those would be reason why he would name the book " THE WORLD OF SILENCE".
to me what i think would make more scenes is "the world was silent that Night" thats fits that the title for that book even though he was gonna call it the world was silent that night but to me if you put it together makes more scenes and sounds a lot better too.
I think that the fit for the book is the ending. Because he talks more about how they we're feeling like about how he got ill and they where all sad and getting killed I just think thats an important part because some of them express the way that they are feeling.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Post Tiltle
I think the jews should be forgave. I don't think they did anything wrong to be in the situation which forgiveness is a problem. One time I intervened was when these two kids were yelling and I said to stop. Then I said your 5 feet away stop yelling and talk it out. They looked at me weird then i laughed and walked away.I felt like I was a teacher how they obeyed my rules and stopped. Only if the germans could have stopped like that. Life would then be easier for everyone. here wouldn't have been a war and the chinese wouldn't have got bombed. Therefore arguing/debates/disagreements should not be engaged.
Option Two
The germans were really bad people. Honestly they were super judging and didn't care about there lives they wanted people to suffer and die. At the end of the day i wouldn't have forgave any of them. They put them through hell and a lot of people lost there family themselves, and whoever survived lived with that tragedy for the rest of there lives. There has been a lot of times i was a bystander. I wish i could go back to those times and help out. When my friends talked about my other fiends or when they talked about others i didn't say nothing when i should have. Rumors to things i knew wasn't true about friends i still never said anything. I was afraid that if i said anything then that would put me in a bad position. Now i really don't care if one of my friends have a problem with somebody and they are talking stuff of course im gonna say something. i will protect my friends cause if i was going through the same things i wouldn't wanna be alone and have nobody to stick up to me.
Any traditions I have had, I don't break any rules in the tradition because I don't think that is right. Especially if it has something to do with family, I think if you break rules it's either disrespectful, you don't care, or maybe you don't know whats going on or don't know what to do. I am to always be respectful and responsible for any type of tradition i attend. Each thanksgiving we always hold hands and say grace, every christmas we eat breakfast first, and always say thank you for anything that we did the whole year. On new years what ever we make for dinner always make sure we have cabbage along with the meal. These are traditions I stay true to, and in my future I wish to still attend to the rules of these traditions.
During the holocaust the German troops the SS knew what they wear doing. But it is hard to say no because its your life vs other people.people well chose to save them self, also Hitler would be more control the others by like saying stuff. To make it seem like they where a better race and stuff like that but i don't think the German troops should have did what they did. They probably the only thing they could do at the time. Mean i don't know what was going through people minds at the time. Before this they where neighbors and they where friendly at a time but now they only remember of the bad thing they did.

Every year I am suppose to put the start on the tree. I started doing it 2009 around december 1st. But this recent december i did not get a chance to. I didn't get a chance to because I had a game that day. I was very mad because they were acting thirsty. Like they just could have waited for me. I was 10 times madder when i got home because we lost. My mom said there is always a next year. That is very true , but that will take forever to get here. So i decided to let my sister do it for now on.
I think that the germany's should be forgiven and i know that it is hard to forgive them after everything they did. But even if you do forgive them doesn't mean that it was ok or that they are getting away with doing those things . Since Wiesel believes in God he knows that when we die or when jesus comes back that we will be judge and every tong will confess their sins and the righteous will be saved and the unrighteous will be damned but that is what the gospel is for. And also people need to know that the germany's grew up and exposed to that stuff and in their minds it was ok and then they had a leader rise up and told them that they are making the world better which was a lie but they didn't know no better. Also we should leave the things that happen in the past stay in the past, we should forgive and forget because things have changed and no one should be judge by who they were to who they are now.
By Miles Godfrey
By Miles Godfrey
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