Othello the general of the military gave Cassio the positioning of Lieutenant and a dude named Iago was very jealous and wanted that position so he plotted to go against othello and Cassio . But his friend Was Inlove othellos wife named desdemona his name was Roderigo .iagos plan was to get Cassio to look like he was Inlove with desdemona so othello could fire him and trust Iago. So it happened and othello was very heartbroken so he set out to kill his wife and had Iago kill Cassio. othello killed her Iago framed Roderigo as stabbing Cassio. Emilia (iagos wife) figured out everything and told othello that his wife never loved Cassio and the handkerchief that was very special to othellos family was given to Cassio by Emilia not desdemona. Iago stabbed and killed his wife cause she said to much and he also killed Roderigo after they figured out that Cassio was still alive and Iago didn't want Roderigo to tell on him about stabbing Cassio. Othello felt very horrible about killing his wife he decided to kill hisself . After Roderigo was dead the found a note I his pocket explaining everything that happened how Iago planed to do everything . Iago didn't get in trouble really but Cassio became the general. The end. I really like the book because it explains how not communicating with people that really bad things can happen. You can't just assume that everything that someone says is true. If you hear something that someone said ask that person not someone else and miscommunication is really bad so try to work everything out. 
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